Sunday, 30 December 2007

Fashion Show aftermath

Well, it's over! You can find a slideshow of the show here. My stuff is mostly at the beginning, after the catwalk pics and before the menswear. Lucky I can see them, as I crashed just as the first model with my clothes on was coming down the walkway, so I missed two, and pretty much everything else was grey while it all rezzed due to the lag. Don'tcha just hate SL for that sometimes? lol

It actually went pretty well, even though at the fitting an hour before I found some of the models had not been given everything, particularly the skirts, which are the two new and important items... I know it was short notice, but really the whole thing was organised very poorly. It was supposed to coincide with the grand opening of the Twin Towers Mall, owner by an old friend I used to work for when he had a club, and where I have my new main store.

It went from a mooted idea, for which I was nowhere ready, and the next thing I know it's on a week later, I'm billed as "one of the most influential designers in Second Life" with nothing to show, and no clue since it's my first show as a designer. I modelled for one once, and that was chaos too. So the date was for a few days before Christmas: not much time to get things organised, little Christmas shopping time to take advantage of, plus, I had two new stores to fit out and do all the normal Christmas things myself. I was told I needed 6 or 7 outfits, and at that stage realised I would not have enough time, but I couldn't pull out, publicity had already gone out. So I managed a couple of skirts, and threw together 5 outfits, mostly with the skirts and some jeans I've been perfecting, matched with some of my T-Shirts. Not exactly haute couture, but it would have to do.

Having bust a gut, the practice the day before was cancelled at the last minute due to a lack of models, practice to take place before the event the next day. Nobody around when I went, and when I arrived there for the event itself, nobody except another girl looking for the event too. Finding the mall owner and the PR agency woman offline, we were mystified until we checked Events and found that it had been cancelled, postponed in effect. Due to a mix up, it seems they thought each other had told all the designers...

So all in all, it was a hurried rush for 5 days that got in the way of finishing fitting out my two new shops, general Christmas activity, and to cap it all the mall wasn't put in places until the opening event. That means not only did it waste time, but it was rescheduled for the 30th of December, so we missed on the Christmas shopping possibilities too...

First Fashion Show

I'm so nervous, Mode Provençale's first fashion show is taking place, and the whole thing has been one mad rush lol. It's been cancelled once, then lots of last minute running around, now some delay while it's on...

Friday, 28 December 2007

Yay! Into the blogosphere...

Here it is, my first blog lol. So if you know me, welcome, and if you don't, bienvenue! Okay, so here will be some of my general musings, and, from time to time, tips, and visits to some interesting places in Second Life. Some of these will be places I love, favourite designers and so on, others will be useful places for new and old alike. Having spent over 15 months in SL, I hope to pass on some of my wise words of wisdom lol.